BBC Radio 4
Transmission Date Tuesday 13th November 2018, 11.30am – Repeated Monday 18th March 2019 at 4pm on BBC Radio 4
Presented by Peter Shenai
Produced by Matthew Teller and Adam Fowler
People need stories – but climate change is remote from us. How can we make climate change human? Where’s the story in atmospheric disruption? Step up British artist Peter Shenai, who is embarking on a new collaboration with atmospheric physicists studying ocean weather. Shenai wants to model the shapes of hurricanes, and then reproduce those cones as a series of bells, each one telling the tale of the lives it uprooted. We follow Peter as the first hurricane bells are cast in bronze & then struck – including a special one: Katrina. And in New Orleans we hear the reaction of residents to the surprising music which results.


3d mapping of Hurricane Katrina, prior to making landfall at New orleans, coutesy Peter Shenai and Dr Carlo Corsaro