BBC Radio 4
Transmission Date Tuesday 13th November 2018, 11.30am – Repeated Monday 18th March 2019 at 4pm on BBC Radio 4
Presented by Peter Shenai
Produced by Matthew Teller and Adam Fowler
People need stories – but climate change is remote from us. How can we make climate change human? Where’s the story in atmospheric disruption? Step up British artist Peter Shenai, who is embarking on a new collaboration with atmospheric physicists studying ocean weather. Shenai wants to model the shapes of hurricanes, and then reproduce those cones as a series of bells, each one telling the tale of the lives it uprooted. We follow Peter as the first hurricane bells are cast in bronze & then struck – including a special one: Katrina. And in New Orleans we hear the reaction of residents to the surprising music which results.