As part of their Heart and Soul series, BBC World Service is airing one of our most gripping programmes to date, Muslims in President Trump’s America.

Imam Talib Shareef of Masjid Muhammad with a Presbyterian Christian group, Washington, DC
A year after Donald Trump was sworn in as President of America, Tharik Hussain revisits some of the Muslim communities in the US he last encountered just before the American election. Tharik asks the communities on the front line of some of Trump’s most threatening ambitions how they are coping and what their hopes and fears are for the future, and gets some unexpected answers…

Sajid Tarar, founder of American Muslims for Trump campaign group, Elkridge, Maryland
It’s tomorrow, don’t miss it!
Muslims in President Trump’s America
Presented by Tharik Hussain
Fri 19 Jan 2018, 13:32 pm